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Natural Contraceptive Method

Natural methods can be applied only to women with regular menstrual cycles. You do this by avoiding intercourse during fertile. This method is a tool measuring basal temperature and cervical mucus viscosity test.

* No side effects
* Economical

* The high failure rate that is 10 - 30 of 100 women.

Contraception Methods By Instrument
Can be divided into:
1. An intrauterine device (IUD)
An intrauterine device has several types, including the Copper T380A, Nova T, and some who were given hormone IUD (Mirena, Nova Levo).

* Figures protection is quite high, namely the failure of 0,3-1 per 100 women each year.

* Inviting the risk of pelvic inflammatory infection, bleeding, and pregnancy outside the womb.
* Complications of perforation (hole) of the uterus.
* Does not provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases and hepatitis B and HIV / AIDS.

2. Curse Contraception Method
The most commonly used is the condom, diaphragm, and spermicides.
a. Condom
Small pouch made of work by wrapping rubber penis, so that the sperm that comes out stays in the bag.

* Safe use
* Easy to obtain
Enough * is effective when used correctly.
* It can prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and hepatitis B, HIV / AIDS.

* There is a risk of tearing. Therefore, use a condom just for one time use. Condoms are good feels slippery and wet. Do not use a condom the dry interior, which feels sticky to the touch, or the glue on the plastic wrap.
* The failure rate is high, ie 3 to 15 per 100 women per year.

b. Diaphragm
Shaped like a shallow bowl, made of rubber. How to use inserted into the vagina. This tool works by covering the cervix, so the sperm, but still went into the vagina, could not continue the journey to the uterus.

* Can be used multiple times.
* Protects from pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease hepatitis B HIV / AIDS.

* The failure rate is high, ie 5 to 20 per 100 women per year.
* It is difficult to install.

c. Spermicides
This IUD has a different shape. There aerosol foam (foam), tablet, cream, jelly, and sponges. Used with the ulcers into the vagina before intercourse. Spermicides kill sperm cells before they could enter the uterus.

* Protects the wearer from sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea, klamida, hepatitis B, HIV / AIDS
* There was no systemic side effects / the body.

* 10-25 The failure rate of 100 women per year.
* Does not provide protection against hepatitis B, sexually transmitted diseases, like HIV / AIDS, chlamydia, gonorrhea.
* Can cause itching or blisters on the vagina.
• Not too powerful when used only without the aid of other devices such as condoms or diaphragms.

3. Hormonal methods of family planning
Most hormonal contraceptives contain estrogen and progesterone or only progesterone alone.
a. Integrated Pill
Generally contain gestagen hormones and synthetic estrogens. Recommended pill is a pill containing low dose of estrogen is less than or equal to 35 microgram and 1 milligram of progesterone.

* Easy to obtain

* Must be drunk every day.
* Not all women are advised to use the pill, namely:
* Breast-feeding mothers,
* Smokers,
* Aged 40 years and over,
* Have any health problems such as seizures, tuberculosis, cancer, hypertension, diabetes, hepatitis, heart ever stroke, and others.
* Generates side effects:
* Irregular bleeding outside the menstrual period.
* Nausea
* Headache

b. Mini Pill
Pill Beda with an integrated, these pills containing only gestagen only.
* Can be used for breastfeeding mothers
* Easy to obtain

* The side effects are:
* Irregular bleeding
* Menstruation does not come
* Sometimes appears headache

c. Injection
KB injection protects against pregnancy until the time a shot back. Its effectiveness is similar to the combination pill and mini-pill and IUD exceeded. Failure generally occurred because of non-compliance schedules or injecting the wrong injection technique. The workings of one injection of KB that is causing coagulation of cervical mucus, thereby reducing the ability of sperm penetration. You need to know if the contraceptive injection was stopped to wait for 1 year or more to get pregnant again.
Users will receive hormone injections once every 1-3 months, namely:

Progestin injections;
Hormone injections containing only gestagen alone. For example, depo Provera and depo noristerat.

* Can be used for nursing mothers or women who are not allowed to use the extra estrogen.

* Has the side effects:
* Irregular bleeding
* Menstruation does not come
* Body weight

Integrated injection
Injections containing gestagen and estrogen hormones, for example, estrogen-progesterone depot or cyklofem.

* Does not affect the menstrual cycle

* Not breastfeeding mothers can be used
* Difficult obtained
* Relatively expensive
* Not recommended for women who take birth control pills are not recommended an integrated and progestin injections.

d. Implant
Used to enter it under the skin surface to the inside arm. There are 2 types:
* - Norplant is a contraceptive method, a term of 5 years. The effectiveness of contraceptive implant consists of 6 bars is very high. The average pregnancy rate per year less than 1%.
* - Implanon: a contraceptive implant consists of a single stem can be used for at least 3 years.

* * After installed the tool will prevent pregnancy for 5 years.
* * Can be used by women who experience problems with the hormone estrogen.
* * Can be used by women who undergo treatment for the spasms.
* * Although designed 5 years, can be removed at any time.

* * Implant is more easily installed than removed. So before using this method, make sure that health workers at family planning clinics or the postal service had trained and skilled and willing to implant removed if no longer desired.
* * Implant should be avoided if the relevant:
* - With cancer or a hard lump in the breast
* - Already late for her menstrual
* - Experiencing Abnormal vaginal bleeding
* - People with heart disease
* - Want to get pregnant in the next few years

Contraceptive Methods Lactational
This method can only be applied to breastfeeding mothers who actually fed exclusively / constantly.

* Economical.
* Reducing postpartum hemorrhage.
* Provide good nutrition in infants.

* Only protects the first 6 months.
* The failure rate / pregnancy 6 per 100 women per year.

Emergency Contraception Method (Post-coitus)
Actually this is not an alternative contraception for pregnancy prevention. However, in this emergency contraceptive method can be used, that is after sex and before implantation (attachment of the embryo on the uterine wall).What matters more, emergency contraception is only permissible for a woman who does not use any type of contraception and who do copulations in mid-menstrual cycle.

There are several types of emergency contraception:
It's getting left behind because the dose used is high enough, causing many side effects.

Given in 24 hours or later than 48 hours pascasanggama. Dose must be high.

Given no later than 3 hours after copulation.

Required dose 800-1200 mg / day. Many side effects.

Known as abortivum. Enough dose 600 mg / day.

Some things to note:
* Its effectiveness is higher when used immediately after copulation.
* To avoid interruption of the menstrual cycle, use only 1 times in 1 menstrual cycle.
* If menstruation does not occur in the next cycle, she should do a pregnancy test.
After using emergency contraception * should not do intercourse again until the next menstrual cycle to come.
* When the embryo has implanted in the womb of the pill or tablet can not prevent pregnancy. If used instead may cause the effect of disability. Therefore, sex steroids should not be given after 72 hours pascasanggama. When the time has been exceeded and implantation remains to be prevented, it will be installed from the copper IUD.

* Headache, nausea, and vomiting. Concerned should be given drugs Antiemetic. If pregnancy does occur it is necessary to consider termination of pregnancy to prevent the effects of defects / abnormalities in the fetus.

Steady Contraception Methods
Also known as sterilization, which is operating on channel ovaries (female) or sperm tract (male) to be sterile or nothing for the fertilized egg or sperm cells to fertilize. Sterilization in women referred with tubectomy while the men known as vasectomy.

* Self-effective in preventing pregnancy 0.1 / 100 women per year.
* Form a permanent
* No protection from sexually transmitted diseases

* Self-effective in preventing pregnancy 0.3 / 100 women per year.

* Permanent.
* No protection from sexually transmitted diseases.

It should be Adjusted With Age
The selection of contraceptives needs to be adjusted with age. For women 20-35 years are advised to use contraceptive pills or condoms. An intrauterine device such as an IUD or Spiral is a second option to avoid the risk of infection in the womb.With the same reason, IUD should not be used for women who have never had children. IUD / Spiral can be used of women who already have children or have been aged over 30 years. As for women over 40 years do not use contraceptive pills. Birth control pills usually uses the hormones estrogen and / or synthetic gestagen. To take this pill takes a pretty good liver function, while liver function in women over 40 years is usually reduced. Better, use the IUD or Kontap (secure contraception), as tubectomy or vasectomy.

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